About D.A. Lincoln Pump Service and Supply
D.A. Lincoln Pump Service and Supply has been serving the car/truck wash industry since 1992 out of our Winnipeg Manitoba Canada office. With our long term staff you can count on our expertise and experience for new site projects, equipment layout and drawings to complete installations with start up and training.
We specialize in the sale, installation and service of In Bay Automatics, Self Serve, Tunnel Systems, and Truck/Bus Wash Systems. At D.A. Lincoln we manufacture the Lincoln Series Self Serve Car/Truck Wash Equipment and are distributors for PDQ Vehicle Wash Systems, Belanger , Pseco Truck/Bus Wash System and Turtle Wax.
With new innovations and rapidly changing technology in the car wash industry it is essential for our service/installation technicians to keep pace through factory training, and using the latest equipment/tools available.
D.A. Lincoln is dedicated and committed to You, your Car Wash, and the Car Wash Industry. We support, get involved, and provide input to local and regional Car Wash Shows. Through networking and discussions with suppliers and fellow distributors we strive to solve various concerns that face the industry.
Branch office in Saskatchewan
D.A. Lincoln Pump Service & Supply
4-210 48th St. E
Saskatoon, SK
Canada S7K 6A4
Phone: 306-683-6622
Fax: 306-683-6623
Email: kelly@dalincoln.com
Head Office
D.A. Lincoln Pump Service & Supply
102 Paramount Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R2X 2W3